George Zimmerman reportedly saves family from overturned truck, Twitter reacts

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George Zimmerman saves overturned truck victims 

After being acquitted for the murder of Trayvon Martin, the man many are calling the “most hated man in America” resurfaced to do a conveniently timed heroic act. George Zimmerman apparently emerged from hiding last week to aide strangers, whose truck overturned in a car crash.

The Sanford Police Department has since released a statement saying that on Wednesday, July 17, Zimmerman responded to a single car accident in the area of 1-4 and SR 46 in Sanford, Florida. There were four occupants inside an overturned vehicle, two parents and two children whom Zimmerman helped get out of the car. The crash was also less than half a mile from where he shot Trayvon Martin.

While some people and avid George Zimmerman supporters are heralding him as a hero, others are calling the entire event a sham. Furthermore a new hashtag, #ZimmermanSaves, has emerged on Twitter.

So you’re telling me out of all people GEORGE ZIMMERMAN comes out of nowhere and saves someone from a car crash?!

— KD (@Supreme_KTA) July 22, 2013

See what else Twitter thinks about George Zimmermans’ “heroism” below. -danielle canada

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