Amy Poventud; WXIA account executive sets career path

HeadshotWhat inspires you to show at work every day?  The potential to make as much money as possible. As a commissioned sales person my income is uncapped.

How did you determine your career path? I was introduced to Television by temping as a receptionist at one. I was then hired full time as a sales assistant and never looked back.

Describe Goal setting methods you use and how you evaluate you success? My goals are my monthly budgets. My success is evaluated by those goals. If I surpass the goals given to me I am successful for that month.

Who do you consider your peers in you field and a few that are great examples you can get support and best practices? My peers would be other Account Executives at TV, Radio and Cable stations. A great example would be my Local Sales Manager Sherry Armotrading. She has been in sales for over 20 years so I can always lean on her for support and best practices with clients.

Information and increased skill methods you use? Communication is key in sales. If you do not listen to your customers you will not know what they need.

Names 3 books that changed how you saw life and you recommend to others? Sales for Dummies

Describe why life long learning is important to you? You can never stop learning. Life is ever changing so you have to keep learning to keep up.

Describe the voice of success that you her in your head. Make more money so you can travel, take care of your family and do whatever you want to do at all times.

Community success based on what you do in the community means what to you. Being able to help a young child read. I have been part of a reading program in the city of Atlanta for 8 years. I have helped 3 kids go from non-readers to readers. If you can’t read you can’t do anything else.

Technology plays what role in your daily life? I am always connected to my cell phone and iPad mini. I am constantly prospecting so if I see a potential client I look them up to see if I can help they grow their business.

Describe Favorite vacation spot? The beach….I love Miami because of the beach. Hearing the ocean and waves hit the sand is peaceful.

If you could change one thing about the world what would it be? People to be kinder to one another. Everyone should volunteer to help others in their community.

If you could change one thing about your self what would it be? That I wouldn’t worry about other people so much. Sometimes I take on other people’s problems when I should not.

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