Lady Gaga slams Russia over anti-gay laws, investigation threats

Lady Gaga - Russian LGBT Protest Cover

If there’s one group of fans that Lady Gaga holds near and dear to her heart, it’s her LGBT fans. She fiercely supports and defends ever since she rose to fame as pop star years ago. Now, Gaga is standing in defense of her LGBT “monsters,” once again, as she blasts Russia over its controversial anti-gay laws and their pending investigation of her.

In June, Russia passed a law banning “homosexual propaganda” among minors, which they claim is a way to protect their youth from what they consider harmful influences. Under the law, even those from other countries, including performers like Gaga and even 2014 Sochi Olympic athletes, can face fines, jail time and deportation for supporting anything LGBT.

According to the Huffington Post, last week, Russia released a statement, claiming that Gaga and Madonna were under federal investigation for allegedly violating their visas while performing in Russia. Russian officials claim, “The visas issued were of the basic cultural exchange sort, which does not grant their bearers the right to engage in any commercial activity.”

And the man behind the investigations is none other than Vitaly Milonov, the politician who wrote St. Petersburg’s law banning gay propaganda.

However, many reports speculate that the real reason Gaga and Madonna are under investigation is because of their staunch support of their LGBT fans, both at home and overseas.

“Tonight, this is my house Russia. You can be gay in my house,” Lady Gaga said during her Russian show in December.

Now, Gaga has responded to Russia’s claims and shot back with a critical Facebook post about their anti-gay stance.

“The rise in government abuse is archaic. Hosing teenagers with pepper spray? Beatings? Mother Russia? The Russian government is criminal. Oppression will be met with revolution. Russian LGBTs you are not alone. We will fight for your freedom,” wrote Gaga.

Gaga then shot a direct challenge at Russia and implied that they’re tactics are cowardly.

“Why didn’t you arrest me when you had the chance, Russia? Because you didn’t want answer to the world?” she added.

We applaud Gaga for standing strong in her stance on equal rights and gender and sexual equality. Hopefully, Madonna and other celebs will follow her lead and sound off on Russia’s oppressive laws and rising anti-gay violence as well.

Check out a list of other LGBT allies below. – nicholas robinson

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