Defamation lawsuit filed against The Game for Instagram post


Another day, another bitter biddy files a lawsuit against their former celebrity employer. At the target of this scandal is “Marrying the Game” star The Game himself.

Earlier this summer, the rapper posted a photo of his former babysitter Karen Monroe on Instagram. What made this post stand out was the ugly details behind their history as the celeb’s caption claimed Monroe was busted having sex with her then boyfriend and leaving a used condom and the wrapper in his daughter’s room.

He continued, warning his 1.1 million followers to proceed with caution, stating that Monroe was a dangerous babysitter.

After catching wind of the post, Monroe filed a defamation lawsuit with the Los Angeles Superior Court, also claiming numerous death threats and the onset of depression.

While The Game could merely claim that he was utilizing his Constitutional right to state his opinion, Monroe could argue that she has been “blackballed from working in the industry.”

Unfortunately for The Game, this isn’t his first run in with this type of complaint. In 2012, a North Carolina judge awarded five policemen $1 million each for damages, on claims of defamation.

Monroe is seeking an unspecified amount in damages and a court date has yet to be set.

Click to view The Game’s colorful words for his former babysitter Karen Monroe. – ruthie hawkins/@ruubabie

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