Texas white man’s dating list: No black women; and no white woman who dated blacks

sleeplessinaustinA delusional and laughably racist Texas white man had the intestinal fortitude to conceive a website describing his dating requirements that has shocked and appalled readers. Only skinny, athletic white women need apply. No black women are desirable whatsoever, and he will absolutely not date white women if they ever had sex with a black man.

Hispanic women are acceptable, however. How nice.

According to CultureMap Austin and HuffPost, Romeo Rose of Austin, Texas, created a website, sleeplessinaustin.com, in which he states he’s willing to pay anyone $1,500 if that person is able to locate the woman of his dreams for him.

There are certain characteristics that the dating-challenged Rose will not tolerate under any circumstances:

“I will not date any girl that has ever had a threesome, or a large number of past sexual partners. I do not want a promiscuous slut. I want a normal, decent, good hearted girlfriend,” he said on the site.

You don’t say? OK, I’m sure we can keep the sluts and sexually experimental women away from you. Anything else?

“I will not date a black girl. I don’t care if she looks like Halle Berry, I will not ever date a black girl.” 

OK, we get the picture, Mr. Busby. You wan to maintain the purity of the “superior” white race, as if such a concept exists anymore. Is there a kind of white woman that turns you off, Mr. Rose?

“I would NEVER, EVER, EVER date a woman if I found out she had EVER been sexually active with a black man.”

Well, since we’re all Americans and we all fight, bleed and die for our country, then it’s OK for blacks and white should be able to live together and cohabit, right?

“I do not believe that Whites & Blacks should mix races sexually and have kids together. I think it’s ok for Whites & Hispanics. But not Blacks. 

Rose is quite pleased and proud of himself and considers himself a very attractive catch for any female who can fit into his tight parameters of a suitable woman. We won’t mention the fact that Rose has been in Texas for three years and says he’s had great difficulty finding suitable dates. We won’t mention that at all.

I am 39 years old, (date of birth is 9-18-1974 so that makes me a Virgo) 6′,4″ and 195lbs… I am looking for a girl that has a thin or athletic build. No one over 130lbs. Ages 21 – 41 White, Hispanic, or of European descent.

These are, by the way, all his words which you can peruse for yourself via sleeplessinaustin.com. This is only the tip of the iceberg.

We all have a physical and personality traits we are attracted to and we often articulate those desires, so you would think that Rose could have enunciated his desires about the type of female he is attracted to without resorting to detestable racial rants.

But this is only the beginning of Rose’s racist, misogynistic and lengthy list of requirements for his dream “woman.” And, worst, he uses rap jargon to get his point across even as he doesn’t want anything to do with the race of people who inspired the hip-hop line he employs to break the ice with women.

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