‘Basketball Wives’ episode 8 best moments

 Shaunie Proposes A London Trip

The ladies plan a London trip

While Shaunie, Tami and Evelyn are out shopping, Shaunie, despite her better judgment, decides to throw out the idea of a ladies trip across the pond to see London Fashion Week. Evelyn is definitely game, but Tami is hesitant about Tasha coming along and asks if they can leave her out of it because she’s not feeling Tasha and everyone knows about Suzie’s fight with Tasha. Shaunie tries to reason that the ladies can be adult and just avoid each other, but Evelyn confesses that their prophecy that things can go “really wrong” will likely come true.  When the idea is pitched to both Suzie and Tasha, both women agree to go but Tasha claims she needs to confront Suzie again for bringing up her husband, and Suzie thinks she deserves an apology from Tasha.

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