Adrian Peterson’s son’s ‘real father’ goes off on NFL star about raising boy

ap-bobby-ruffin2The man who actually raised Adrian Peterson’s murdered 2-year-old son is sounding off on the NFL running back and the press because he wants the world to know that he took care of the child.

Peterson only learned he was the biological dad a few months ago and the boy was beaten until near death before the Minnesota Viking star could lay eyes on him in a South Dakota hospital.

Before the revelation, the child’s mother was under the impression that the father was a man named Bobby Ruffin. After the child passed away on Friday, Bobby went to his Facebook page and unloaded:

“So tired of this poor Adrian Peterson s—. Let me blow all your minds. The boy who died was my son.”

“Yes A.P. he was the biological father but I raised him and he carried my name. Tyrese Robert Ruffin. I don’t blame AP for not really caring ‘cuz he and I both found out recently who the biological father was.”

“AP met my son for the first time when my son was already in coma. I was here today when we pulled the plug, not him. He was happily practicing and has no problem playing on Sunday.”

“So yea this isn’t all out yet but I’m sick of the poor AP s—. He didn’t know or even meet my son. Sorry for the outburst but put yourself in my place.”

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