Proposed ‘Christopher Wallace Way’ in honor of The Notorious B.I.G. rejected


Why won’t they let hip-hop be great? It’s only the ultimate rags to riches story.

Unfortunately, the Brooklyn Community Board No. 2 doesn’t feel that way as they recently voted to reject a proposal to rename the street that Biggie grew up on after him.

Neighborhood resident Leroy McCarthy collected the more than 3,000 signatures needed for the board to consider the measure, but the board unanimously voted no, citing Big’s drug dealer past, his lyrics, and shockingly, his weight.

“He started selling drugs at 12, he was a school dropout at 17, he was arrested for drugs and weapons charge, he was arrested for parole violations, he was arrested in North Carolina for crack cocaine, in 1996 he was again arrested for assault, he had a violent death and physically the man is not exactly a role model for youth,” said board member Lucy Koteen. “I don’t see how this guy was a role model and frankly it offends me.

Last month McCarthy spoke in an interview and voiced his disdain with what he believes is the disconnect between the petitioners and the board saying “Afraid of hip-hop but also illiterate of hip-hop and the culture that hip-hop is rooted in. They kind of lack the ability to have a clear and concise understanding.”

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