“Real Housewives of Atlanta” cast member Kenya Moore was aghast when Peter Thomas had the intestinal fortitude to suggest he get a man cave apartment across town to get an occasional break from his marriage to wife Cynthia Bailey.
The Bailey-Thomas five-year union was already under strain due to: failed business ventures; a nonexistent sex life because of Bailey’s painful and debilitating fibroids; his audacity to buy a new Mercedes without consulting his wife and, to top it off, the ambush appearance of Bailey’s sister, Malorie Bailey-Massey, who requested to stay in their home for two months.
But broaching the topic of a man cave across town took their marital strife to new heights.
So disturbed was Moore at Thomas’ suggestion that she took to her Bravo blog to pour our her anger and disgust:
What the hell? A married man of less than 5 years tells his wife he wants a man cave of his own in the form of an apartment across town! Cynthia is a better woman than I am. I imagine my response to that request would be to pack all of my husband’s belongings and throw him out on the curb where he should be for that kind of nonsense. Married men don’t get their own apartments “to escape” their lives with their wives. That’s what the strip club is for. LOL! Seriously, marriage is for better or for worse. It appears that the communication in their relationship needs a lot of work. You cannot operate independently when you have a lifetime partnership and commitment with someone.
No, I’ve never been married but I have been in long-term relationships lasting longer than most marriages do. So yes, I do understand that communication and honesty is the foundation of ANY relationship. Bar none.