Future reveals the sex of Ciara’s baby

Future & Ciara - Baby Sex Cover

Ever since Ciara announced her pregnancy last month, both she and her fiancé, Future, have remained tight-lipped about the sex of their upcoming bundle of joy. However, slips of the tongue are bound to happen, and that seemed to be the case earlier this week when Future let slip the sex of his baby.

While sitting down for an interview with British radio DJ Tim Westwood, Future discussed the new music he’s been making with Ciara and explained that they already have their baby listening to their tunes in the womb.

“The baby [is] listening to music already now. She sent me a video while I was over here with the headphones on her stomach.  She said ‘the baby just listened to ‘Turn On the Lights,’ the version with me and you,” Future said.

But right afterward, Future had a major slip of the tongue and revealed that he and Ciara are having a boy.

“I said, ‘He gotta play … you gotta play that anytime for him, the new one you did.  Let him hear that.  See how he kick.’ She played it for him. He started kicking like crazy,” said Future.

Realizing what he’d done, Future then said, “See you got the sex outta me and you don’t even know it.”

Well, whether the baby is a boy or a girl, we still congratulate Ciara and Future. Check out some other famous hip-hop dads below. – nicholas robinson



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