Porsha Williams and Kenya Moore fight Twitter reactions
Now that news has broken that Porsha Williams delivered a vicious beat down to Kenya Moore during the “Real Housewives of Atlanta” reunion, Twitter is buzzing with reactions. As previously reported, several sources have confirmed that a fistfight took place Thursday that included Williams dragging Moore across the stage by her hair. New reports now suggest that Williams exploded after Moore taunted her with sex toys hinting that her ex-husband, Kordell Stewart, was a homosexual.
So far, neither lady has commented on their altercation per Bravo’s strict orders, but Williams shared a photo Friday of her glamorous reunion look.
“Loved my glam!!!” she captioned the below photo. She then shouted out makeup artist Makeup Shayla and hairstylist Tokyo Stylez for their handiwork.
As for Moore, she’s remaining off of social media and is instead being defended by her friends like reality star Ray Cunningham. Cunningham better known as Misster Ray of “College Hill” fame, tweeted the below messages in support of the alleged beat down victim.
I spoke with @KenyaMoore and she is ok, in NYC working and collecting a check!
— Known As MissterRAY (@MissterRay) March 28, 2014
Hey BEARD! — Known As MissterRAY (@MissterRay) March 28, 2014
See what else Twitter had to say about the Porsha Williams and Kenya Moore fight below.
-danielle canada