White supremacist and former KKK leader kills 3 in Kansas

Frazier Glenn Miller
Frazier Glenn Cross aka Frazier Glenn Miller leading a white power march

Another major hate crime has occurred; this time in America’s heartland of Kansas in Kansas City. Frazier Glenn Cross (aka Frazier Glenn Miller), age 73, a known white supremacist and former leader of the KKK shot 3 people dead on Sunday with the presumption they were Jewish. Cross first went to the Jewish Community Center of Greater Kansas City and gunned down 2 people. He then drove to Village Shalom, a retirement community and shot another innocent victim. He was arrested a nearby elementary school parking lot by police shortly after the second shooting. Police have booked him on a preliminary charge of first degree murder.

According to the hate group monitoring organization, the Southern Poverty Law Center, Cross was also known by the name of Frazier Glenn Miller. It was under the name Miller that he founded the Carolina Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and was known as the organization’s grand dragon. Miller also went on to found another hate group known as the White Patriot Party. In 1987 he was indicted for running a white supremacist paramilitary training camp and was subject of a nationwide manhunt. When he was finally caught and arrested, he was found in a trailer home with hand grenades, assault weapons and massive amounts of ammunition. Miller has also run for congress and the senate on an extremist white power platform each time.

The attack has sent shock waves throughout the area and even President Obama released a statement calling the shootings “heart breaking” and promising the “the necessary resources to support the ongoing investigation.” In addition, the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu issued the following statement: “We are condemning the murder, which according to all signs was committed because of hatred of Jews. The state of Israel … together with all civilized peoples is committed to fighting against this plague.”

Miller was affiliated with a white supremacist website known as the Vanguard News Network and has posted numerous hate filled messages. Law enforcement authorities are treating the shootings as a hate crime.

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