Young media mogul, Kevin D. Johnson shares invaluable leadership strategies

Kevin Johnson

Kevin D. Johnson
founder and president of Johnson Media Inc.,
author, The Entrepreneur Mind: 100 Essential Beliefs, Characteristics, and Habits of Elite Entrepreneurs

Please describe your leadership style of CEO
My leadership style is primarily visionary and consistent with my entrepreneurial background. In other words, I provide a goal and move people towards a new set of shared dreams. In the words of author Daniel Goleman, “Visionary leaders articulate where a group is going, but not how it will get there — setting people free to innovate, experiment, take calculated risks.”

What is your Mission statement?
My personal mission statement is to live a fruitful and servant life that is pleasing to God, my family, and my community. My company, Johnson Media Inc., has the following mission statement: to provide the best marketing and communications solutions to clients that enable their businesses to excel.

What three skill sets are critical for the future executive that you hire for your organization?
The three skill sets that are critical are problem solving, critical thinking, and computer proficiency.

How does having an advanced degree benefit you and your clients?
Having an advanced degree per se doesn’t do much for clients. What’s most important is understanding a client’s needs and addressing them excellently. If having an advanced degree helps one to develop this ability, it is certainly valuable, but that is not always the case. More than anything, my degree (or the process of obtaining my degree) has taught me endurance, patience, and persistence.

How do you utilize technology to benefit your organization?
At Johnson Media, we use technology in many ways. Recently, the biggest impact of technology has come from automating our marketing. Doing this has increased our revenues tremendously.

Finish the sentence
Team work is important because … it accomplishes exponentially what any one individual can accomplish.
The best way to recruit great talent is … to partner with great colleges and universities.
Speaking a second language is important because … the world is becoming increasingly global and thus it expands the opportunities for business.

Kevin Johnson's bookWhat social media platforms do you engage in the most?
I primarily use Twitter and Facebook.

What professional organizations do you support?
I support The Apex Society, Atlanta Business League, Technology Association of Georgia, Young Entrepreneurs Council, Atlanta Ad Club, Kappa Boulé, Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity and others.

Describe your networking style.
For my business, I don’t do much traditional networking. It hasn’t been effective. I have learned that C-level or director-level networking that leads to large deals or partnerships is done differently. I instead find more creative ways to meet people that I can help or that can help me. For example, serving on nonprofit boards and volunteering has been beneficial for my business and personal life.

If you were giving a graduation speech to college students what would the title of your speech be and three reasons why?
The title of my speech would be “Create the Life You Want, Now.” I would present this speech because 1) those who proactively create the life that they want are more likely to be successful 2) college graduates have time and youth on their side to explore and follow their passions before they are hindered by life’s eventual responsibilities 3) your adult life should be what you want it to be, not what others have prescribed for you.

Name your two favorite vacation destinations to relax and recharge?
I enjoy vacationing during the summer in the fjords of Norway. The grandeur and beauty of nature there is humbling and inspirational. I also enjoy the Caribbean, particularly Barbados for its beautiful resorts and beaches and the Dominican Republic for the longtime friends that I have there.

What are you reading and your two favorite books?
I am reading The Divided Mind of the Black Church: Theology, Piety, and Public Witness by Raphael G. Warnock. I have hundreds of favorite books but two that come to mind are Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne and Benjamin Franklin: An American Life by Walter Isaacson.

Name three business leaders and political leaders who inspire you.
Elon Musk, Nelson Mandela, Barack Obama

Favorite sports team and hobbies
Teams: Atlanta Falcons, San Antonio Spurs
Hobbies: Golfing, Traveling, Reading, Running, Playing Piano, Volunteering

Two favorite quotes that motivate you.
“The best way to predict your future is to create it.” –Peter Drucker
“Not failure, but low aim is a sin.” –Benjamin E. Mays

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