5 things you should know about the Ebola virus


The Ebola virus has arrived in America. Two aid workers who worked with patients in Liberia have been infected with the virus and are now being treated at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta.

The deadly virus that has spread throughout West Africa has killed 900 people thus far.

Here are five things you should know about the Ebola virus.

The disease is transmitted several ways

Humans can become infected by coming in contact with the blood, saliva, mucus or secretion of an infected person. The disease is often spread at health care facilities when doctors do not wear protective eyewear or by reusing contaminated needles.

There is no cure

There is no cure, but patients can be treated for the disease with the hopes that their health will get better. By giving patient support, doctors will give infected patients intravenous fluids, pain relievers and monitor their oxygen.

These are the symptoms

Symptoms include aches, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. It can take 21 days for a person to become symptomatic.

Best ways to protect yourself

People can protect themselves by avoiding travel to countries in West Africa during the outbreak. You should also be sure to wash your hands frequently and avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.

The beginning of the current outbreak began in March

The first cases of the current outbreak was recorded in March in Guinea. The disease eventually spread to countries such as Nigeria, Sierra Leone and Liberia. There have been 1,323 cases of the disease.

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