Author Vince D’Writer on his book ‘Do As I Say’ and why he thinks Tyler Perry is iconic

vince d writerVince D’Writer
author, DO AS I SAY
Twitter: @dwritervince
Instagram: vince_dwriter

Tell us about DO AS I SAY.
It’s a story about a ambitious, educated, and successful man who is the victim of domestic violence. DO AS I SAY is now available on digital download on Amazon at

What was your inspiration for writing it?
My goal was to write about a unique topic. I wanted to do something different. I remember watching a show where the husband was a victim of domestic violence. He felt embarrassed about the situation he was in. I did some research and I discovered men being the victims of domestic violence is on the rise, but yet it goes under the radar. My objective was to bring it to the light, and give readers a fresh topic to read about.

Name three books, works, performances or exhibits that changed how you view life and/or yourself.
The first was my grandpa passing. When he died part of me died. During his time on earth he motivated me and made life easy. After he died life became harder because I had to learn how to motivate myself.
The second event was being in the delivery room when my son was born. I think the number of dead beat dads would decrease if these guys were at the hospital to witness their child being born. To be present in the delivery room when your child is making his or her debut in this world is a beautiful thing. It fuels you with the motivation to be in his or her life every step of the way.
The third and final event was witnessing Barack Obama becoming the first African American President of the United States. It influenced my life because it showed me with hard work, dedication, and opportunity, anything is possible.

Vince D Writer Do As I Say

Why do you consider continued learning important?
It’s important to continue learning because it’s the key to evolving as a person. With age comes wisdom due to the fact you should learn something new everyday.

What affirmation(s) do you repeat to yourself that contribute to your success?
An affirmation I repeat to myself is not to be content. I refuse to settle in a place of being satisfied. I strive to improve as person and as an author. I always keep the faith and believe success is around the corner.

If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
One thing I would change about the world is the sensitivity in the differences in race cultures. Yes we have multiple races and yes the cultures are different. If we as a people could acknowledge the differences without being labeled a racist, the world would be a better place.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
If I could change one thing about myself it would be my stubborness. When I believe I’m right it’s almost impossible to change my viewpoint.

What does it take to be iconic? In your estimation, who has achieved that status?
To be iconic is to have passion and be dedicated to your craft. You must eat, drink, and sleep strategies and tactics that will enable you to accomplish your goals.
To be iconic is to reach a high level then have the will and determination to reach a higher level. Satisfaction isn’t a part of an icon’s vocabulary.
To be iconic you must have that fire burning inside and be willing to do whatever it takes to be the best.

A person I think achieved iconic status is Tyler Perry. I idolize his drive and determination. Tyler’s work ethic is second to none. I honestly wonder if he ever sleeps at all. Tyler Perry had a humble beginning, but he proved the adage of failure and success being paralleled. Before you succeed you will experience failure. Tyler Perry experienced a big failure in the form of his first play. He got knocked down, but like a true champion he absorbed the blow and got back up. He bounced back to achieve an enormous level of success with his plays, movies, and television shows.
I’m a fan of his and I’m also proud that he is from my hometown of New Orleans.

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