Troy Ave addresses rumors regarding ILOVEMAKONNEN beating


Hip-hop newcomer ILOVEMAKONNEN was attacked at his show at SOBs in New York this week, and rumors immediately surfaced that Brooklyn rhymer Troy Ave was behind the incident. But Troy’s manager, Hovain Hylton, told thestashed that Troy had nothing to do with what happened.

ILOVEMAKONNEN has been making waves with his hit “Tuesday,” and the October’s Very Own rapper sparked a Twitter beef last month with Troy after he made not-so-flattering comments about other rappers releasing a freestyle of the song, which included Troy.

“That’s the worst, fake beats and s—, lord! Let it go!” ILOVEMAKONNEN tweeted. Troy apparently took it personally.

“Jus snow dat #we gon see about thum comments when we see u fat b—-!” he responded. But Hylton said this week that the SOBs beating wasn’t related to Troy or his BSB crew.

“I left all of that negative s— alone,” BSB co-CEO Hylton explained. ” [We] were trying to get him on a remix of ‘All About The Money.’ ”

He also revealed that he’s been speaking with Drake and October’s Very Own, in the wake of the Twitter disagreement.

“It’s just wack that any time something negative happens now, they think of us,” Hylton said. “People are going to believe what they will, but BSB had nothing to do with that.”

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