Janice Dickinson details alleged rape by Bill Cosby

Janice Dickson & Bill Cosby - Cover-001

Bill Cosby has been under fire for weeks now as news has spread about the numerous women who have accused the TV icon of raping them. Things got even hotter for Cosby last month when former supermodel Janice Dickinson shocked the world and claimed that Cosby had raped her as well. Now Dickinson has opened up about Cosby again and given more details about her alleged rape.

Dickinson spoke about Cosby in a recent interview with CNN and she explained that she didn’t tell the world about her alleged rape because she felt “humiliated” afterward.

“I had revulsion toward Cosby, and Cosby was a very powerful man and probably still is. I trusted this man, and I … compartmentalized it, because I was embarrassed,” Dickinson said.

As previously reported, Dickinson claims that Cosby invited her to meet him in Lake Tahoe in 1982 so that they could discuss how he could help her jump-start her acting career. In her CNN interview, Dickinson gives more details and explains that that she was having dinner with Cosby and Stu Gardner before Cosby drugged her with a pill she thought was for her menstrual cramps.

“He said, ‘Oh I’ve got something for that.’ And he gave me a pill,” explained Dickinson. “Because of his demeanor and the promise of a career, I trusted him. I wanted a television career.”

The last thing that Dickinson remembers before passing out is taking pictures of Cosby with her Polaroid camera and, to her horror, “Bill Cosby mounting me, like the monster that he was,” she recalls.

“I remember more specifically waking up,” Dickinson explained in tears, “and that he, there was a lot of pain downstairs. There was semen all over me and my pajama bottoms were off and the top was opened. At that point — fight-or-flight — I just packed up and I got the hell out of there.”

When asked what she wants Cosby to say about her rape, Dickinson said, “I would like Cosby to at least come out and acknowledge that he is a pig, that he is a monster, and that he raped me.”

Well, we doubt that Cosby will ever admit that, especially considering how defensive and cagey he’s been in the press.  –nicholas robinson

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