10 shocking things in the CIA report: Anal abuse and near drowning

CIA Torture
CIA Torture

6) Detainees, including alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed were anally force-fed!

“Chief of Interrogations| [REDACTED] also ordered the rectal rehydration of KSM without a determination of medical need, a procedure that the chief of interrogations would later characterize as illustrative of the interrogator’s ‘total control over the detainee.”

“On March 5, 2003, KSM was also subjected to additional rectal rehydration, which [REDACTED] described as … effective in getting KSM to talk.”

“CIA medical officers discussed rectal rehydration as a means of behavior control.”

“The officer wrote that, ‘[W]hat I infer is that you get a tube up as far as you can, then open the IV wide.’ ”

7) The detainees lied in order to escape torture.

“Throughout the period during which KSM was subjected to the CIA’s enhanced interrogation techniques, KSM provided inaccurate information, much of which he would later acknowledge was fabricated and recant … In June 2003, KSM stated he fabricated the story because he was ‘under “enhanced measures” when he made these claims and simply told his interrogators what he thought they wanted to hear.”

8) The CIA lied to both the Congress and the White House.

The report says CIA failed to brief leaders of Senate Select Committee on Intelligence on the enhanced interrogation techniques until September 2002. It adds the CIA gave false information to White House, and no briefing was sent to President George Bush on specific methods until April 2006.

9) The CIA leaked classified information to the media in order to look good.

10) Two psychologists who devised the CIA’s enhanced interrogation techniques were paid $81 million.

The CIA contracted two psychologists to “develop, operate and assess its interrogation operations.” The two had no experience as interrogators, no “specialized knowledge about al-Qaida, a background in counterterrorism, or any relevant cultural or linguistic expertise.” Their company received $81 million in taxpayer dollars before their contract ended.




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