Lincoln College of Technology professor Earle C. Mitchell on Black anger, crime and race


What is America missing about crime and race?

This is not a simple question to answer. America is an idea; therefore, America is not missing anything about race. The individuals that keep the idea of America going do not get crime and race in America. Individuals such as Rudolph Giuliani and Congressman Peter King who are truly out of touch, callous and pulling the ideological party lines keep misinformation, prejudice and flames of intolerance burning. For example, while I did not condone the looting in Ferguson, Mo. Giuliani unloaded on the “racial arsonist” that are the so-called problem. In actuality, the so-called “racial arsonist” are the outgrowth of problems that have never been acknowledged or dealt with in Ferguson, Mo. So, as opposed to dealing with the historical imbalance in Ferguson, Missouri. Giuliani mischaracterizes what is truly taking place. In a different manner Congressman Peter King does the same thing in the Eric Garner case, he blames the victim. Peter King inferred, on CNN, that if Eric Garner was not overweight, complied with police, he might be alive today. How insensitive; and these are the “public servants” that are supposed to uphold the law and assist with promoting life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?!  This blatant ideological race baiting is something the African-American community has become accustomed to, and that is not positive. Many that uphold the idea of America miss the fact that the inherent criminalizing of Black bodies is done so with historic and psychological bias. As such, it is to be understood that racism is not an African-American problem. African-Americans are affected by racism and its institutional components.  Racism, ultimately, is a problem that many white Americans harbor and must move beyond.  If a progressive respect and understanding of the Pluribus in this country does not take place, the United States of America will not mature to what it could be — and will always be divided among racial lines.

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