Family of Michael Brown issues statement on Darren Wilson

Police Shooting Missouri

The parents of Michael Brown, Lesley McSpadden and Michael Brown Sr., have suffered greatly with the loss of their son and ensuing turmoil. The U.S. Department of Justice concluded a months long federal investigation of the actions of former Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson.  The investigation has cleared Wilson of federal civil rights violations and concludes that Wilson acted in apparent self-defense.

In response to the decision, Brown’s parents issued the following statement through their lawyer:

“Today, we received disappointing news from the Department of Justice that the killer of our son wouldn’t be held accountable for his actions. While we are saddened by this decision, we are encouraged that the DOJ will hold the Ferguson Police Department accountable for the pattern of racial bias and profiling they found in their handling of interactions with people of color.It is our hope that through this action, true change will come not only in Ferguson but around the country. If that change happens, our son’s death will not have been in vain.”

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