For many the idea of White privilege is an abstract notion lacking any clear example. But to get an idea of what it is look no further than killer cop Bob Bates. Bates is the reserve Sheriff’s Deputy from Tulsa, Oklahoma, who shot and killed unarmed Black man Eric Harris. Bates claimed he was thought he was reaching for his Taser and instead drew his gun. Since the shooting, many details of Bates involvement have come to light, including the fact that he is a millionaire and made frequent donations of cars and equipment to the Sheriff’s Department. This bankrolling of the department, some say, allowed him to pay to play at being a cop and gave him extraordinary privileges.
Now Bates is facing manslaughter charges and appeared before a judge in Oklahoma on Tuesday and pleaded not guilty. But he had one small request of the judge, Bates wanted to go on his vacation that was planned before the shooting incident. Surprisingly, the judge granted his request and now Bates is on his way to the Bahamas. That’s right, Bates killed a man, is awaiting trial and the judge gave him permission to leave the country for a little fun in the sun. This is not Bates’ first trip to the island nation. According to The Daily Beast, Bates has not only visited the island repeatedly but also has taken Sheriff’s Department personnel with him on these trips.