The family of Amy Winehouse is not happy with an upcoming documentary about the life of the late singer.
Not only is the Winehouse family displeased with the project, simply entitled Amy, but they have made it known to the media that they wish to “disassociate themselves from the forthcoming film” saying that the documentary “is both misleading and contains some basic untruths,” according to a statement the family released.
Originally, the film’s director, Asif Kapadia, had the full confidence of the Winehouse family. Impressed with Kapadia’s 2010 documentary Senna – a biopic on Brazilian motor racing champion Ayrton Senna – the family chose the director amid dozens of requests to helm the project.
“I felt sick when I watched it for the first time,” said Amy’s father Mitch Winehouse. “Amy would be furious. This is not what she would have wanted.”
Even with all his criticisms of the film, the elder Winehouse seems to have had a slight change of heart recently and isn’t quite ready to totally swear off the project completely.
“I’m starting to get on my own nerves with whining,” he told The Guardian. “I’d like to say to people: ‘Don’t go and see the film,’ but that would be depriving her fans of some incredible videos of Amy when she was younger. And I mean incredible. She was funny.”
Winehouse also recently shared on Twitter his current sentiments on the film as it’s imminent release date approaches.
“Let me be clear about film,” he tweeted. “There is film of Amy that is fabulous. You should see it. Make your own minds up about the rest of film.”
Amy will debut at the 2015 Cannes Film Festival slated to run May 13-24.