Cynthia Bailey and her husband, Peter Thomas, were thrust under a microscopic lens of scrutiny this week after a video of Thomas allegedly cheating on Bailey surfaced online. Although Thomas immediately denied the rumors, Bailey went dead silent on her social media pages, leading many to believe she’d remain mum for some time; however, she recently did a radio interview in which she unhesitatingly revealed her feelings about the video.
While appearing on the “Ryan Cameron Morning Show” yesterday, Bailey decided to discuss the scandal before the hosts tried to pull it out of her and she explained that she was shocked like everyone else when she saw the video.
“Well, I wasn’t there. I saw the video like everyone else. It seemed like he was kissing some woman on her cheek. You know, when I saw the video I thought it was inappropriate. I mean, it’s unfortunate that you have people filming you with phones everywhere you go when you’re on a reality show. But it is what it is. I don’t know if it’s grounds for divorce,” Bailey said.
Bailey explained that other people in her life found the video to be harmless, but Bailey believes Thomas was being reckless.
“I had — you know people looked at it that I knew and they were like, ‘I don’t really see nothing.’ But I looked at it and was like, well — I mean it’s inappropriate. It wasn’t like I’m ready to like you know ready to do a ‘Waiting To Exhale’ — I’m not gonna set his clothes on fire but we gon’ talk about these things. I’m gonna need him to be a little bit more careful about who he’s kissing on, or looking like he’s kissing on, or putting his hands on the neck, or grazing the breasts…The neck thing was definitely a little weird,” Bailey explained.
After the radio hosts replayed Thomas’ Instagram apology and asked her if she was mad, Bailey explained, “Again, I didn’t feel like ‘Oh my God. Let me call my lawyer and divorce him.’”
And when they asked her if she knows the woman, Bailey said, “Actually, it’s someone that comes to the bar. I don’t know her, but Peter knows her.”
Clearly this situation has left a bad taste in Bailey’s mouth, and likely a good deal of suspicion towards her husband, but it looks like she’s standing by his side. Unfortunately, this issue isn’t just going to blow over and she’s going to have to deal with the embarrassment and scrutiny again when it’s inevitably brought up on the next season of “The Real Housewives of Atlanta.”