The rally in honor of deceased teen Michael Brown became violent on the streets of Ferguson, Missouri. According to the St. Louis Dispatch, the incident took place on a night following a peaceful rally to commemorate the death of Michael Brown which occurred on Aug. 8, 2014.
The peaceful rally began around noon as over 1,000 marchers walked the same streets that Brown did prior to being shot and killed by officer Darren Wilson.
When the sun set, more teens and young individuals entered the streets of Ferguson, causing the rally to intensify. Some individuals broke the door at a hair supply store and stole money from the cash register. ‘
Around 11 p.m., police reported that they were shots fired at four plainclothes detectives who were in an SUV. The detectives fired back and Tyrone Harris, 18, was struck multiple times. Harris was handcuffed and placed face down on the ground, covered in his own blood. Police reportedly recovered a handgun from the scene.
Several civil rights organizations in Ferguson are calling for an investigation and are questioning why plainclothes cops were at the rally without body cameras. The four officers involved in the shooting are on administrative leave.
Harris underwent surgery and is currently in critical condition.