Will a Lil Wayne sex tape be hitting the market soon?

Source: Youtube/FrenchMontanaVEVO
Source: Youtube/FrenchMontanaVEVO

According to numerous reports, a Lil Wayne sex tape is currently being shopped around to porn companies by a mysterious negotiator looking to land the highest bidder.

TMZ reports:

We’re told the big porn companies have been contacted by a person in possession of the tape, which shows Wayne in nothing but his socks, and 2 more-than-accommodating women who do all the work.

Wayne’s rep says if there is a tape, the rapper didn’t know he was being filmed. And the rep makes it clear they will pounce if a tape is released to the public, saying, “We’ll sue the hell out of them.”

If released, the sex tape would joint cement the Young Money boss in the dubious sex tape club along with other celebs such as Kim Kardashian, Ray J, and Mimi Faust. Though the secret shopper of the alleged sex tape may think they’re sitting on a goldmine, they may instead be holding onto a massive lawsuit waiting to happen.

Big porn companies such as Vivid Entertainment (Kim Kardashian Superstar, Mimi & Nikko: Scandal in Atlanta) wouldn’t be able to release a tape without Wayne’s consent. Vivid learned this the hard way when dealing with Kardashian’s originally leaked tape that she later sued them for releasing before settling with the company for a reported $5M.

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