Amber Rose campaigns as spokesperson for strippers at SlutWalk 2015

Amber Rose at 2015 Slut Walk (photo credit @AmberRose Instagram)

I was surprised to learn that Amber Rose’s SlutWalk actually had noble roots. Although Amber is the self-imposed spokesperson for the movement, it wasn’t her vixen brain that created the movement. The first reported SlutWalk took place in 2011 in response to an insensitive remark reportedly made by a police officer after a number of sexual assaults on the campus of Canada’s York University.  Allegedly, the officer said, “Women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimized.” The officer’s remarks sparked a movement from Canada’s feminists and the term “Slutwalk” was born. Women in Toronto walked the streets dressed in lingerie and skimpy clothing to spread the message that women should not be subject to sexual violence regardless of their clothes. It appears the clarity in the messages has become a bit hazy with Amber Rose’s antics.

While the goal with the provocative title is purposefully done to get a rise out of the general public, it’s also a bit misleading in regards to action. Simply put, if you are labeling yourself, it’s hard to demand that others stop labeling you. It’s a contradictory concept that is almost as contrary as Rose herself. Rose was unable to get the majority of the stars she pitched to join her for the official SlutWalk on Saturday, Oct. 3. In true Amber Rose fashion she did incite quite a bit of attention. MTV’s “Wildin Out” star comedian Lil Duval mentioned the walk on his Instagram posting, “If somebody asked you today “where’s the hoes at” say marching for sluts rights.” He then went on to champion one of his female friends working with the Charter Network Accelerator: “My women friends are out here making a difference. These the women I put on a pedestal, and she gets no public attention. Salute to the real women out here.”

Carrying a huge sign that read, “Strippers have feelings too,” Rose was the perfect grand marshal for the festivities. Rose shared with an audience that she was “slut shamed” at 14. Then in a dramatically tearful moment, she forgave ex-boyfriend Kanye West for saying he needed 30 showers after being with her and ex-husband Wiz Khalifa for calling her nothing but a stripper.

Rose is planning to do additional SlutWalks across the country and continues to attempt to garner support from her celebrity friends. Her website showcases the following mission statement: “[W]e recognize that shaming, oppression, assault and violence have disproportionately impacted marginalized groups including women of color, transgender people and sex workers, and thus we are actively working to center these groups in this event. We deeply value the voices of marginalized groups and have a strong desire to find common ground among all of our intersections.” Hmm, I am not sure exactly what that means, but I am certain that Rose didn’t pen the quote. I am confident she did pen the quote on her sign that read, “Strippers have feelings too.”

I am inclined to believe that Rose would be more effective simplifying the mission of her personal campaign to simply being a spokesperson for exotic dancers. Her speech on Oct. 3 and more importantly her actions are consistent with a former stripper that enjoys a publicly sexualized lifestyle and wants people to know that although she is too sexy for her clothes and much sexier than you, like you she does have feelings that she wants acknowledged by her famous ex lovers and her public.

We’ll have to wait and see if Rose is able to convince more of her celebrity friends to join her upcoming SlutWalks. Without other celebrities, it’s unlikely the events will continue to get the media support that is necessary in order for Rose to get the exposure she is aiming for. While this may prove difficult to get A-listers to participate in, it’s not far-fetched to assume this campaign could be a part of what fans will see on Rose’s current television show currently in development.

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