Rumors have circulated for years that Beyoncé may be older than she claims. The superstar’s acknowledged birth date is Sept. 4, 1981, although it has been said that someone who claimed to work for the Department of Health in Texas discovered Beyoncé’s birth certificate that stated she was born in 1974, which would make her 41 years old today. Those suspicious of the singer’s age also cite an interview in which Gabrielle Union said she and Beyoncé were friends “as teenagers,” yet Union is supposedly nine years her senior.
But no one would know the truth better than her parents. Beyoncé’s father, Mathew Knowles, was interviewed on “The Breakfast Club” recently and said something that is putting fuel back into those old rumors that the singer is lying about her age.
Knowles was discussing his beginnings in the music industry and mentioned pop artist Pink, who is now 36 years old, and Usher, who just turned 37. “She’s the exact same age as Beyoncé,” he said of Pink. “Usher was the same age … they were all 14 and 15 years old.”
Is it possible that Beyoncé is older than she claims? Or do you think her father just misspoke or his memory was a bit foggy? Let us know below.
Watch Mathew Knowles’ interview on the next page.