Ciara and Russell Wilson spread holiday cheer at Seattle Children’s Hospital


‘Tis the season.

On Tuesday, Nov. 1, Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson dropped by the Seattle Children’s Hospital, something he does every Tuesday, to pay a visit to some of his smallest fans. In tow for this week’s visit was none other than his girlfriend Ciara. The dynamic duo spread the holiday cheer in song. They also snapped a few selfies for the ‘gram.

“@DangeRussWilson and I Singing ¡Feliz Navidad! With This Sweet Angel Louis. His Little Whisper Is So Cute heart Us, Well…Were Doing The Best We Can. HaHa #HappyHolidays #GivingTuesday #WeWantToWishYouAMerryChtistmas” Ciara captioned a clip featuring Wilson and her as they tried to recall the words to ¡Feliz Navidad! along with a young child in his hospital bed.

Meanwhile, Wilson gushed over his precious angels and encouraged fans to stand strong against cancer with him this holiday season, by donating to the cause. He wrote, “Addie is an angel! Enjoying her family! @Ciara @SeattleChildrens @StrongAgainstCancer Donate to StrongAgainstCancer.Org to help more kids!” He even revealed that a young girl, Sienna, was granted an early Christmas wish: “Sienna gets to go home!!! @SeattleChildrens @Ciara Donate to StrongAgainstCancer.Org to help more kids!”

Shout out to Ciara and Russell for spreading a little extra love this season. For more images from their recent visit to the Seattle Children’s Hospital, check out the gallery below.

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