Atlanta police, who violently detained rapper Blac Youngsta in the parking lot of a Buckhead Wells Fargo on Friday after he withdrew $200K from his own checking account, say the incident was essentially just a big mix up.
The incident reportedly began when a Wells Fargo employee alerted police that a man was attempting to cash a suspected forged check for $24K. According to Sgt. Warren Pickard, the description of the suspect that was given was “limited and conflicting” and unfortunately for Blac Youngsta, he happened to have been withdrawing his money about the same time.
“It was quickly discovered that the person providing the description to police had provided the wrong description of the suspect,” Pickard said in a statement. “It was determined that the occupants of the vehicle were not involved. They were immediately released.”
The rapper, born Sam Benson, posted a photo of the incident to his social media accounts with the caption, “LOOK HOW THEY TREAT A YOUNG RICH N—A”
Police wish to reiterate that Benson had absolutely nothing to do with the offense and that his temporary detainment was completely accidental.
“This incident did not directly involved Blac Youngsta, nor was he accused of committing a crime,” Pickard said.
Authorities did eventually capture the correct offender, 39-year-old Charles Darnell Edward, and arrested him for first-degree forgery.