Shots fired: Katt Williams ethers Kevin Hart; calls him a puppet


This beef between Katt Williams and Kevin Hart doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon. The former, during his Conspiracy Theory tour, decided to give a sold-out crowd in Atlanta a few conspiracies of his own. As the show was concluding, Williams took the opportunity to call out Hart, insisting that he is nothing more than a Hollywood puppet:

“I’ve already proven that if the best they got in comedy is Kevin Hart then — don’t you boo a Black man working hard, baby. Even if that n—-‘s a puppet, it’s not his fault. We don’t get mad. Just because I’m better than some Black dudes doesn’t mean I’m better than no Black dudes. I’m saying if you want to be mad at Kermit The Frog, don’t be mad at Kermit The Front. Be mad at Jim Henson. Don’t say, ‘F— Donald Duck” when you really mean, ‘F— Walt Disney.’

“I don’t care nothing that happens to Kevin [Hart], I just wish him the best. I just know that that’s somebody’s hand stuck up that baby, you understand. Oh, we’re a puppet show, boo boo. Please believe it. You’re looking at the only n—- that ain’t.”

The statement would have been damning enough, but Williams didn’t stop there, as he also added his belief that Hart traded sexual favors with executives to get his big break in Hollywood.

“So, since I’ve already officially proven to myself that I really am who Richard Pryor passed his torch to, and that I was able to do it without letting a man suck my d—, or sucking a man’s d—. I walked in with a virgin a–hole, I walked out with a virgin a–hole. I got the same soul today that I had when I did Pimp Chronicles all the way to the end of Pimp Chronicles.”

Mouth Drop

Yikes. So far, there’s been no response from Hart, but I’m pretty sure that will change very soon. See the video of Williams’ Kevin Hart-laced diatribe below.

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Update: Shortly after the 2016 Oscars concluded, Kevin Hart posted the following on Instagram:

Screen Shot 2016-02-29 at 9.54.41 AM

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