Gospel singer Avantii Uzor hopes to inspire you to worship

Photo Credit: Avantii Uzor
Photo Credit: Avantii Uzor

When did you know that being a musician was your calling?

I kind of knew since I was a child. I used to go with my sister to the children’s choir practice when I was seven, even though I wasn’t old enough to join at that time because the rule was you had to be eight to join, but somehow they allowed me to be a part of the team.

Describe three other occupations you have had while you prepared for your break.

I have worked as background vocals for various artists, as a home health aid and I also worked as a sales rep at a furniture store.

What inspires you to preform music?

My love for good music.

What instruments, if any, do you play?

I play only my voice for now … I’m trying my hands on the keyboard at the moment, kind of learning the basics.

How would you describe your brand of music?

I would say contemporary gospel. But I love diffent styles of music and I have African heritage, soIi do a lot of fusion also.

When you are on stage, what do you want to convey about your style?

My primary assignment is for people to have an encounter with Jesus Christ. For them to experience the love of God and the comfort of the Holy Spirit.

Name three musicians who have influenced your approach to being a musician.

I grew up on Hezekiah Walker, Mary Mary and Kirk Franklin.

Describe your creative process from concept to complete song.

I get a lot of my songs from my sleep, so oftentimes I just wake up, record the hook or whatever part of the song I get first. Sometimes, I’m worshiping and I hear a song in my spirit, or I’m walking or driving. I just record it. Sometimes, the full songs come at once; other times, in parts. I send it to my producer; we begin to work on the music. Once that’s done, I record my vocals and that’s it.

How do you select your creative music partners to fashion your musical voice?

God kind of just brings people my way and we connect and we work together. I’m always ready to learn from people around me and I improve by God’s grace.

What advice would you give anyone preparing to enter the music business about publishing and management?

Pray for guidance and seek counsel. Work with only people you are led to work with in your spirit and spell the terms out from the beginning.

If you were going to sing for any famous person as a celebration of what they have done for humanity, who would it be?

I think that person would be Jesus.

How do you hope your music will impact society? 

I love society to see that it’s not old fashioned for a young woman to believe in God, to love and serve him with the gift he gave. For, it is rewarding. And to encourage the younger generation to seek God first and he will add everything they need.

If you could go outside the USA to write and produce music, what country would you choose and why?

Africa. I love the diverse culture and languages. There is something about the way Africans praise and worship that is so pure and heavenly.

What do you like the most about being a musician?

Being able to sing and perform with other musicians.

What producers are you looking forward to working with soon?

Hillsong’s production team, William McDowell and Kirk Franklin

Name three musician you would like to record with who are hitmakers.

Kirk Franklin, Israel Houston and Frank Edwards.

If you could record a duet with someone, who would it be and why?

Tye Tribbett. He has so much passion and I love his energy.

What musical awards have you aspired to receive and it happened?

I haven’t received one yet. But they are all coming.

What musical achievements have you yet to obtain?

Stella, Grammy, Dove, etc.

Finish the sentence:

When I hit the stage I feel … the power of the Holy Spirit come all over me.

When the crowd is responding to my music I know … He has taken over.

I appreciate my fans because … of all their love and support.

Music is my calling ... that’s what I was born to do.

My method of studying music is … listening.

When you find my music I want you to … be blessed by it.

Name your favorite two books.

The Bible and The Power of Positive Thinking.

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