The Sprite Lounge was filled to capacity with fans hoping to see R&B songstress and reality TV star K. Michelle. She came to Chicago to promote her latest release, More Issues Than Vogue, in front of this packed house. Kendra G. of WGCI and Bionce Foxx of V103 held down the hosting duties for the night. K. Michelle came out to cheers and screams and got right down to business, sharing her life stories with the audience. If you really want to know who she is, all you have to do is listen to her music. K Michelle says she writes life. She mentions that at one point she felt like quitting music because it was taking so much away from her. She didn’t have time to spend with her family and time was passing her by.
K. Michelle lights up when she talks about country music. When asked about her love for country music, she confessed that she was working on a country album before More Issues Than Vogue. The reps caught wind of it and encouraged her to finish her R&B release first. K. Michelle said, “I do R&B. I do rap. I do all of that with my eyes closed I write all of that. It comes natural. It’s not even challenging for me. So, I said to myself I was going to get all of these businesses going and stack my money and have income when I’m sleeping, that way I don’t have to depend on music for money. It could just be what I love and I could love it again. I’ll say that this album will be my last R&B album.” The audience was surprised at her revelation but still promised to support her.
When asked about the possibility of her returning to reality TV, she mentions having to take care of the new businesses she has. She has a Jack Daniels endorsement and Atlantic Records just gave her a new label. “It might be fun to throw that drink, but I have grown and some stuff is not worth my check right now,” she said.
K Michelle has evolved into a full fledged business mogul with her new label and restaurant. It’s great to see her flourish. More Issues Than Vogue drops Friday, March 25.