Judge makes major decision in Chris Brown custody battle

Photo source: Chris Brown (@chrisbrownofficial) via Instagram
Photo credit: Instagram – @chrisbrownofficial

For a year now, Chris Brown and his baby’s mama, Nia Guzman, have been going back and forth in court, as well as online, with each other over custody of their young daughter, Royalty. Although both sides have claimed that neither is a stellar parent, a judge recently decided just who should get custody of the young girl.

As previously reported, Guzman has long claimed that Brown was a dangerous element in Royalty’s life because of his affiliation with the Bloods gang.

Most recently, Guzman claimed earlier this year that Brown had relapsed on his drug use and was taking the street drug Lean again. She also claimed that Brown was smoking cigarettes around their daughter and that Royalty had developed asthma because of it. Because of this, Guzman was demanding that a judge restrict Brown’s visitations with his daughter or force him to get a full-time nanny.

Brow,n however, claimed that Guzman was a bad influence on their daughter as well because of her criminal ex-boyfriend, King Ba, still having connections with her.

However, according to media reports, the judge in the case recently denied Guzman’s request and reaffirmed that Brown and Guzman will have joint legal and physical custody of Royalty.

According to the judge, the existing court order will remain in place that Brown will get 12 days a month with Royalty and that he won’t have to have any supervision during the time that he spends with his daughter.

Besides her custody concerns, Guzman also asked that the judge force Brown to increase the child support payments from $2,500 a month to $16K a month. However, sources say that the child support request wasn’t on the table during the judge’s ruling, which may lead to even more legal issues between the two feuding parents later on down the line.

Well, we’re glad that Brown and Guzman got that issue squared away, but something tells us they will be back in court and at each other’s throats soon enough.

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