An absent father and unreliable babysitter left Destyni Triplett, 19, with no choice but to leave her 18-month-old son alone in a car on August 2 at around 8:30 a.m. Sandy Springs, Georgia police responded to a call about a juvenile left inside of a vehicle at Chamberlain School of Nursing located at 5775 Peachtree Dunwoody Road. The boy was found crying as he was strapped into a car seat by the security guard. The temperature was 74 degrees outside. With all the news of hot car deaths, Triplett in her desperation left the child alone but had the good sense to leave the car running with the doors unlocked and the air conditioning on.
The child was taken inside the school to safety. Triplett expressed remorse. “Looking back, I would have definitely taken him in [with me to the nursing school], but I wasn’t thinking and I made a terrible mistake,” she said.
She also shared the boy’s father was supposed to show up at the school and watch their son.
On Thursday, August 4, 2016 twins Alaynah and Ariel North passed away in Carrollton, Georgia, a town less than an hour away from Atlanta. The 15-month-old twins were left alone in a hot car by their reportedly drunken father, Asa North, 24. Their mother, Breal Ellis told WSB TV, “I was with them every day and the one day I left…I just want to tell them I’m sorry. They didn’t deserve to die like that or to die, period, but I know they’re in heaven.”
While Ellis was visiting her sister at Atlanta’s Grady Memorial Hospital who had been in a car accident. She left the kids with their fathers. Neighbors at the couples’ apartment complex tried desperately to cool the toddlers with ice packs and in a kiddie pool. Carrollton Police responded to a 911 call along Tillman Drive when they were found unresponsive. They were pronounced dead at Tanner Medical Center.