Family ‘devastated’ after toddler removed from life support against their will

Family ‘devastated’ after toddler removed from life support against their will
Jonee Fonseca/GoFundMe
Jonee Fonseca/GoFundMe

On April 1, Israel Stinson, 2, had a severe asthma attack, which sent him into cardiac arrest. He was later declared brain-dead at UC Davis Medical Center. Now, after months of legal battles, as the toddler’s parents—who did not agree with the prognosis—fought to keep him on life support, their journey has ended.

On Thursday, Aug. 25, Stinson was removed from a breathing ventilator at Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles against the parents’ wishes, after a “surprise ruling” by a Los Angeles Superior Court judge. “He’s gone,” Stinton’s mother Jonee Fonseca told the Sacramento Bee.

Now, the toddler’s parents, Fonseca and Nathaniel Stinson are left “devastated,” says Alexandra Snyder, an attorney with the Life Legal Defense Foundation, a pro-life group representing the family pro bono. “I was on the phone with his mother when the doctors disconnected him,” Snyder said, according to the Los Angeles Times. “They were in such a hurry to do it, they didn’t even sit down and explain what was going on.”

Of course, the family did their best to hold on to their loved one, first, starting a GoFundMe page to raise money and awareness for Israel’s recovery. Then, posting heartfelt video on YouTube, asking for anyone to help treat their son. “We are reaching out, hoping that anyone hospital right now is willing to take us in … so that we can get him to in-home care and take care of him at home,” said Fonseca.

The most recent update from the family’s GoFundMe page, posted less than a week, showed hope: “We are so happy to inform you all that we are now back home in America with Israel,” the family said. “After almost 3 months of staying in Guatemala, Israel’s condition has progressed and we are so happy that he has 2 EEG’s that prove his brain is not ‘dead’ and that there is still activity.” The Stinton’s are now left baffled and broken.

“I’m just baffled as to why the hospital would have agreed to take him for the sole reason of putting him to death,” Snyder said. “They knew his condition when he came to the hospital.”

“They are devastated,” Snyder told CBS of the heart-breaking battle to keep Israel alive. “I think still in shock. It’s not even my child; I am still in shock this could happen so quickly. … That is something every family has to decide for themselves, not a choice that should be imposed upon somebody.”

Our condolences go out to the Stinton family. Show them some love and an encouraging word in the comment section below.

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