Career-builder websites are great tools to connect with like-minded people, network with those in your field, and ultimately find your next job. LinkedIn, a business and employment-oriented social networking service, is a leading service website that connects people to opportunity. If you don’t have a LinkedIn by now, chances are you’re really late on the various opportunities this tech-savvy world has to offer … but what could be worse than not having a LinkedIn? Not having an updated one.
Not only does LinkedIn provide you with a professional portfolio, they also provide you with options to increase your online presence. According to Pew Research Center, those who use LinkedIn are bachelor’s and up degree holders to those making $75,000 a year or more. The typical age range for users on LinkedIn is 50-64-year-olds, which means you’re bound to network with someone who has experience. If connecting with like-minded people, networking with those in your field, and ultimately finding your next job aren’t enough reasons for you to get with the program, here are five quick and simple reasons why updating your LinkedIn is your next best move:
1.You’re on Google
It’s no secret that if you have some type of social account when someone Googles you, links to your social media instantly appear. Yes, people do search you-especially companies. The first link to most likely appear is your LinkedIn profile. According to a Gravitate Online study of over eight million clicks, more than 94 percent of users clicked on the first page results while fewer than 6 percent clicked to the second page. This means what you broadcast is certainly out there, so why not put your professional side out first.
2. Things happen now
Companies and leaders around the world use LinkedIn as a platform to inform others about the latest updates within their job. This is great for those in search for a job, practicing for an interview, or someone who wants to stay up to date with the influencers around them. Just like your Facebook and Twitter, you can update your status anytime, so having your last activity be in 2011 may say that you’re not being consistent.
3. Resources, resources, resources
Not only does having a LinkedIn give an employer a feeling that you’re serious about your career aspirations, this career services provides job groups, photos, and articles to help direct your career plans. Also, LinkedIn gives people you may of once worked with the opportunity to endorse you.
4. A lot of people are on there … a lot
With over 225 million members, LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network.
5. You’re networking.
You’re on a site with brand-conscious leaders who like to connect. Hiring managers use social networks to scout out people and also use LinkedIn to share ideas and tips within your field.