LaToya Cunningham formerly worked in the foreign military sales department of the Department of Defense where she was a logistics management specialist. Although the job allowed her the financial support to maintain her lifestyle, Cunningham felt bound and decided after 13 years to pursue an entirely different track as a PR professional. Now the proud CEO of Posh PR & Events LLC, she has garnered accolades and awards for her work, including being named as one of the Michigan Chronicle’s 40 under 40, Real Times Media Who’s Who in Detroit, and receiving the NBPRS-DET chapter Legacy Award.
What are three advantages of being a full-time entrepreneur?
You are in control of your own destiny, joy, and peace of mind. You cannot put a price tag on that. It is exciting. You are in charge of your own schedule and earnings and it allows flexibility to create new ideas that could possibly change the world. No day is the same and that is your power. Each day will be filled with opportunities to grow, produce and challenge yourself to be greater.
What are three drawbacks to being an entrepreneur?
Twenty-four hours in the day is all yours to win or lose. Busy season and downtime and how to ensure you still have income flowing in and distractions that ultimately take you away from your goal.
What are some things people should consider before becoming an entrepreneur?
Have a plan. Pay off debt. Reduce overhead. Have a rainy day fund set aside. Taxes, taxes, taxes. Make sure you have a capable CPA who will prepare you for what is to come as an entrepreneur. Benefits and disability insurance are a must.
What are some steps you can give an individual who wants to make the jump from working a full-time job to becoming a full-time entrepreneur?
Pray for God’s timing. Have a plan on how you want to secure clients and contracts, stand firm to your ideals and have a shark mentality. Entrepreneurship is not for the faint at heart. Nothing can really prepare you. Do not go at this alone. You will wear yourself out. I do not believe in telling “all your business” to everyone, but ensure you have a safe zone to be vulnerable with. Have accountability partners who will push you, help you think outside the box and provide constructive criticism towards your business to help you grow and expand. Schedule time for personal care; you are no good if you are not at your best.
Where do you see yourself five years from now?
I was told to move in silence, but I desire to see my company expand nationally securing clients and taking the brand/business to the next level and creating an online footprint in the communities.
Follow LaToya Cunningham on Facebook at Toya Cunningham or Instagram @PoshPREvents.