Black rules over all, the supreme power in the universe.

black power fist
Photo credit: ChandelOlga /

It’s not easy being pro-Black in America. On a daily basis, we are reminded of this nation’s disdain or disregard for our existence. Black folks have had to develop coping skills to maintain our sanity. Here are five rules I suggest for living a happy, productive, pro-Black life:

1) Pro-Black people should never go on Fox News!

I can’t believe I have to write this rule, but there are some brothers and sisters who believe they can have a “fair and balanced” debate/discussion on Fox News. That never happens. Fox News is currently facing a discrimination lawsuit from a few of the Negroes who thought working there would be a good idea. Leave Fox News alone!

2) OJ Simpson didn’t kill Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman!

All the jury needed was reasonable doubt. [Former Los Angeles police detective] Mark Fuhrman was the definition of reasonable doubt. In the eyes of many Black folks, Fuhrman was the embodiment of a racist police system. Whenever anyone wants to discuss OJ’s guilt, they conveniently leave Fuhrman’s name out of the conversation.

3) OJ Simpson killed Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman!

What was the jury thinking? The Juice was as guilty as water is wet. The combination of blood evidence and OJ’s domestic violence history should have gotten him locked up for life. And Black folks, stop throwing up the Black power fist for OJ because he never did anything for us. F – – – Orenthal James Simpson!

* Yes, #2 and #3 contradict each other, but being pro-Black is not monolithic. There is a diversity of thought. *

4) The English language is a tool to communicate, not a weapon to judge!

Brilliance is communicating in a language you were forbidden, by penalty of death, to learn. And that’s what our ancestors did. They learned a language without any formal education. But over time, as a way to keep doors closed to certain groups, the use of language became a weapon used against Black folks and the poor. The sole purpose of language is to communicate, but Black folks are well aware of how White folks and bougie Black folks look down on anyone who doesn’t speak the Queen’s English perfectly. These grammarian snobs give passes to athletes, rappers and the 45th president. If I say, “I ain’t got no money,” you know I’m broke, and that’s all that should matter.

5) White feminists and White evangelicals are different sides of the same racist coin!

White women have been more protective/supportive of the film Wonder Woman than they have ever been of Venus and Serena Williams, two real-life wonder women, who have been on the receiving end of some of the most racist and sexist verbal attacks during their tennis careers. If you want to know how historically racist the (White) feminist movement has been, read the biography of Ida B. Wells, Ida: A Sword Among Lions. The biography documents Ms. Wells’ battles against the racist White heroines of the suffrage movement.  And by the way, Mr. [Steven] Spielberg, could you send [actress] Elizabeth Banks a copy of your 1985 film classic The Color Purple?

White evangelicals were the driving force behind the election of the 45th president. Their brand of Christianity seems to be rooted more in the philosophy of the White supremacist creed “White is right” than the philosophy rooted in the scriptures of Matthew 11:28, 29: “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.” The latter is inclusive of all humanity. That means the real Jesus would not build a wall or ban immigrants, but White Jesus would build walls and ban immigrants while waving a Confederate battle flag.

Editor’s note: The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer.

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