Tina Campbell foolishly voted for Trump because of his ‘Christianity’

Tina Campbell foolishly voted for Trump because of his ‘Christianity’
Photo credit: Instagram – @teddyandtina

Tina Campbell stands as one of the most respected gospel singers of this generation. But the Mary Mary singer is catching flack for her support of Donald Trump.

Campbell wrote an open letter encouraging her fans to “pray” for Trump a few weeks after the inauguration. But in a recent interview with The Root, Campbell shared why she decided to vote for Trump.

“I was faced with two presidential candidates that I really did not approve of,” Campbell said. “And so I had to find something, a commonality with one of them, that would make me feel like if I have to vote, I should utilize my right to vote. Since I don’t prefer either of them, what can I find that would make me vote? And some of Donald Trump’s views on Christianity, honestly, is what caused me to vote for him.”

Campbell apparently failed to actually take a good look at Trump and his beliefs. Because Trump’s actions before and after he was elected president has been far from what it means to be Christian. A true Christian would not boast about sexually predatory behavior. A true Christian would not support White supremacists and uphold those views by discriminating against Blacks when it comes to housing. A true Christian would not support a racial lie against the first Black president about his citizenship.

Trump isn’t just a bad a president; he’s a bad person.

Campbell’s support of Trump is dangerous because it shows how religion can have a negative impact when used by the misguided. Because Trump holds a Bible and walks into a church, that does not make him a Christian. His actions are what determines if he’s Christian. And he has continuously proved himself to be the opposite of Christ-like.

Campbell has failed to see the reality of Trump and what he stands for as a man. It’s unfortunate that she’s using religion as an excuse for supporting such an awful individual.

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