Karrueche Tran faced significant backlash for calling lean “lame” after the death of Fredo Santana (born Derrick Coleman) was announced Friday, Jan. 19. The model and actress used Twitter to apologize for the unfortunate timing of the tweet.
The tweet is now deleted but Tran wrote, “LEAN IS WEAK AF #lame #corny #sorrynotsorry.”
Many people criticized the 29-year-old for the insensitive tweet. Santana’s death was due to a fatal seizure and it was known that he was a lean user.
Tran responded by insisting that she wasn’t trying to be insensitive. On Saturday, Jan. 20, she wrote on Twitter:
That totally came out the wrong way wasn’t tryna offend anyone. I meant it in general terms. Bad timing
— Karrueche Tran (@karrueche) January 20, 2018
Someone on Twitter asked Tran why was she apologizing, and she made it known that she stood by her statement, but the timing of her comment was inappropriate.
Why are you apologizing for telling the truth? It is lame, it is wack and it’s has taken too many of our black men and entertainers away. Never apologize for something that’s true! That’s weak. There was NOTHING insensitive about that tweet at all. People are too sensitive
— Laurieeee (@MsWashington__) January 20, 2018
what I said was 1000% true. It was bad timing and seemed directed towards Fredo (RIP) which it wasn’t at all
— Karrueche Tran (@karrueche) January 20, 2018
Santana, who died at 27, opened up about his lean usage and admitted trying to get help for his addiction. Before his death, he was hospitalized for liver and kidney failure. That along with seizures are the effects of the usage of lean which is promethazine that is sometimes mixed with a flavored drink.
Tran isn’t the only one giving her commentary on lean and the Chicago rapper’s death. Santana’s father, whose nickname is Big Shug, shared his sorrow about losing his son on Instagram––.
A post shared by @ big_shug300 on Jan 20, 2018 at 10:15pm PST
A post shared by @ big_shug300 on Jan 21, 2018 at 7:18am PST
R.I.P. Fredo Santana