Omarosa offered sex to Piers Morgan to win ‘Celebrity Apprentice,’ he says

Omarosa offered sex to Piers Morgan to win 'Celebrity Apprentice,' he says
Photo Credit: Twitter – @omarosa

British journalist and former CNN talk show host blew people’s wigs back with this latest bit of tea.

Morgan says Omarosa Manigualt-Newman offered to give him some sex so she could win Trump’s “The Celebrity Apprentice.”

Both Omarosa and Morgan appeared on the Donald Trump-created show. In an op-ad piece for the Daily Mail, Morgan questioned why a “relentlessly loathsome” person such as Manigault-Newman was offered a job in the Donald Trump White House.

Morgan aired his charge on Monday. Omarosa, as she is mononymously known, has yet to respond to these inflammatory accusations.

“Omarosa offered me sex to win ‘Celebrity Apprentice,’ then called me a ‘f***ing f*gg*t’, invented gay smears & threatened to punch me,” he tweeted. “Why the hell was this vile creature ever employed at the White House?”

Morgan responded to some tweets from followers, who weren’t exactly shocked by his accusations. “Trust me, the stuff that didn’t air was far worse. Omarosa is a disgusting human being,” he wrote.

In a column published by the Daily Mail, Morgan started with this incendiary quote, “’Shut the f*** up, a**hole,’ barked Manigault-Newman at me. ‘How are your kids going to feel when they wake up and discover their dad’s a f**king f*gg*t?’”

As a world-renowned journalist, Morgan has happened upon multiple “vile” human beings, including “dictators and terrorists and sex abusers and wicked con men,” but Omarosa is “relentlessly loathsome.” He went on to denounce her thoroughly and wholly as a “vicious, duplicitous, lying, conniving, backstabbing piece of work.”

Though he’d familiarized himself with Omarosa during Season 1 of “Celebrity Apprentice” in 2004, he didn’t meet her until they both appeared on “Celebrity Apprentice” in 2008. This is when she allegedly propositioned Morgan.

He recalled the situation: “’Piers, do you want a showmance?’ ‘A what?’ I replied. ‘A showmance. You know, a romance on the show – we get it on together. Happens all the time on Apprentice. Everyone has sex together. Then we can make lots of money out of it.’ I stared at her grasping, ferociously ambitious little eyes, and laughed: ‘You must be joking, you deluded woman.’ She didn’t take it well. ‘What are you? Gay?’”

After rejecting her advances, Omarosa transformed into a “viper,” he said.

Morgan said he was motivated to air out his accusations now after Omarosa served the Trump administration for a year. “I don’t subscribe to the theory that President Trump is mentally unstable, but this particular decision severely tested my faith,” he wrote.

Morgan is still mystified as to why President Donald Trump would hired someone like Omarosa, who has “never won anything in her life.” Trump has famously said repeatedly that he only backs winners.

Morgan was surprised to learn of her ex-communication from the Trump White House in December.

“Omarosa achieved nothing but incessant chaos, upsetting all her White House co-workers, and picking fights wherever she went in a manner that was entirely unsurprising to anyone who had met her or watched her on TV,” the journalist wrote.

“[Trump] took this serial loser, and horrible human being, into the heart of the White House to spread her poison,” Morgan wrote.

He also said that Trump hiring Omarosa was tantamount to the type of scandal he created in hiring Rob Porter, the former close adviser who is accused of abusing both of his ex-wives. While most people are taken aback by the Porter hiring, “nobody seems to care” about Omarosa, Morgan said.

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