Dying Sen. John McCain tells Donald Trump stay away from his upcoming funeral

Dying Sen. John McCain tells Donald Trump stay away from his upcoming funeral
Senator John McCain, R-Arizona. Photo: Twitter-@SenJohnMcCain

Even as an aggressive form of cancer continues to eat away at Sen. John McCain’s brain, and the end appears to be very near, he still has enough of his faculties remaining to decide he doesn’t want Donald Trump at his upcoming funeral.

Folks within McCain’s inner circle informed the White House officials that the dying Arizona Republican has no desire for Trump to pay his respects at his funeral, and would rather have Vice President Mike Pence appear as an emissary instead.

McCain’s desire for Trump to stay away from his funeral is a direct result of their turbulent relationship. McCain has never respected Trump’s morals nor political acumen. Their feud climaxed during the 2016 presidential primary when Trump said McCain was not a hero “because he was captured” during the Vietnam War and that Trump only respected military figures who somehow avoided being held captive.

Many members of the American electorate, regardless of political affiliation or demographic, have long respected McCain, which dates back to his sacrifices in Vietnam. For example, when McCain could have been released early from captivity during the Vietnam Conflict, he spurned those offers and, instead, withstood extremely brutal treatment for years — so much so that he could no longer raise his arms above his head.

McCain also famously rebuked an elderly woman during the 2008 presidential campaign when, as he was running against then-junior Sen. Barack Obama, McCain said that Obama was not a Muslim as the senior citizen tried to claim. Furthermore, McCain seemed delighted that his son, also a military veteran, married a Black woman several years ago.

McCain, 81, has been battling an irreversible and aggressive form of brain cancer for almost a year and is back home in Arizona after surgery last month for a serious infection.

“I don’t know how much longer I’ll be here,” McCain said, and people around him indicate the prognosis is grim.

Skipping funerals would not be out of the ordinary for Trump. The dynastic Bush family did not appear to be offended nor hurt whatsoever when Trump sent his wife, Melania, to Barbara Bush’s funeral last month in Texas instead of appearing himself. Trump opted to go golfing at one of his courses in Florida instead.

Former Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush are scheduled to deliver his eulogy which will take place at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C.

McCain is also imploring former vice president Joe Biden to “not walk away” from politics. Biden, long a popular Democrat who wishes he had run in the last presidential election, is reportedly mulling over a possible run for president in 2020.

Biden visited with McCain last weekend and the two share a close friendship despite being on opposite sides of the political aisle.

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