Keshia Johnson began her career in real estate in 2000 and has been a top producing agent ever since. Her expertise in the market has allowed her to represent the National Football League, the National Basketball Association and several entertainment stars. Johnson has sold real estate in various types of markets, including high-end markets, however, she finds extreme joy in working with first-time home buyers as well. Johnson’s motto has remained “… providing luxury to all.”
In addition to Johnson’s real estate career, she has written a real estate ebook titled You Have Your License Now What? It’s a short, easy to read guide that will help new and seasoned agents with the basic steps to a quick closing.
Rolling out spoke with Johnson to glean some jewels on being a top real estate agent over the last 17 years, her short real estate ebook guide and also the process it took to write her first book.
What inspired you to write your first book?
I was inspired to write my first book because as a successful [real-estate] agent I felt like it was necessary to create a roadmap for new agents to navigate this exciting, yet sometimes difficult business.
Describe your style of writing.
My writing style is straightforward and to the point. Most realtors have a short attention span so you have a short time to capture them.
What books have most impacted your life (or life as an author)?
Books that have most impacted me are The Secret, The Alchemist and the Year of Yes.
What is the mission you set out to accomplish with your voice in this book?
The mission for me is to help other realtors achieve success quickly. The rate for realtors who leave the business within the first year is 67 percent. I know that if they can close their first deal within a fairly short [amount of] time, they would be motivated to continue.
What was the hardest part of completing this project?
The hardest part about completing this project was finding time between [servicing] clients and being a busy mom.
Why did you choose to help other real estate agents?
I chose to help other realtors because I strongly believe in the “Pay it Forward” model. I had great mentors and wanted to help others as I was [helped].
Is there anything you found particularly challenging about writing or coming up with concepts for your book?
The most challenging part of coming up with a concept was to pinpoint one idea. After doing this for 17 years I had much more I wanted to share but wanted an easy to follow, how-to guide for my readers.
Describe the process for getting into the real estate business.
The process to get into real estate is easy: you find a school and take the state required hours. Once you pass the school (typically 7-8 weeks), you take the state test to receive your license. The real work begins once you are licensed. Not knowing what to do next is the biggest challenge, hence why I wrote the book.
What new authors have piqued your interest?
I am currently reading the 12 Week Year by Brian P. Moran. I like that he gets straight to the point and outlines a step by step plan that can be easily implemented into my business.
A great book has what?
A great book has intrigue, entertainment, relatability and easy to follow action steps.
Where would you travel if you could to write you next book?
My current project I’m working on is my biography, so if I could travel any place to complete it, it would be Jamaica. I would go to all the places my late husband and I frequented to take me back to the precious moments we shared.
Please provide three good to know facts about yourself.
Three fun facts about me is I love to sing karaoke, I am a natural comedian — at least my friends and family think so — and I start a new diet every Monday.
What is the gift of reading and why does it take you to a new world?
I feel that reading is a gift because there is nothing better than free knowledge. Almost anything you could ever dream of knowing is in a book — or on the internet. Growth and acquiring knowledge is the key to life and reading is an essential part of that.
Who are the authors you re-read and why?
I have re-read Robert Greene’s 48 Laws of Power a few times. I see it as a message to challenge your own power. Your only competition is self and harnessing all the power you possess to excel in society. I love that book and I think we all have a power waiting to be ignited in us all.
Everyone’s process for writing is different. Explain yours.
My process for writing is to first jot down my ideas as those come to me. Because I spend a lot of time in the car or at the baseball field watching my son’s games, I utilize the voice recorder feature quite often. I then sit down with a cup of coffee, spread my notes on the table, listen to the recordings and start writing. It’s really that simple. It’s probably not the “proper” way to do it, but it’s my process and works well for me.