There is no question that Atlanta is the best city to visit for a real Black history lesson. With Atlanta playing a major role in the history of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and of the Civil Rights Movement, it comes as no surprise that the largest museum of primary resources for both are housed in Atlanta. Five out of six of the museums are located in the epicenter of African American history on Auburn Avenue. Whether you live in Atlanta or are planning on a visit in the near future, these six landmarks should be on your list.
The King Center
449 Auburn Ave NE
Atlanta, GA 30312
(404) 526-8900
The King Center is the primary source of materials on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the American Civil Rights Movement. The collection consists of the papers of Dr. King and those of the organization he co-founded — the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, records of eight major civil rights organizations and several other individuals who were active in the Movement. The museum houses more than 200 oral history interviews with teachers, friends, family, and other civil rights associates of Dr. King.
Auburn Avenue Research Library on African American Culture
101 Auburn Ave NE,
Atlanta, GA 30303
(404) 613-4001
The Auburn Avenue Research Library is a part of the Atlanta-Fulton Public Library System but offers specialized reference and archival collections dedicated to the study and research of African-American culture, history and others of African descent.
Spelman College Museum of Fine Art
350 Spelman Ln SW
Atlanta, GA 30314
(404) 270-5607
The Spelman College Museum of Fine Art is the only museum in the nation emphasizing art by women of the African Diaspora, located on the historic Spelman College campus.
MLK National Historic Site
450 Auburn Ave NE
Atlanta, GA 30312
The MLK National Historic Site consists of 35 acres of family-friendly learning and fun. The historic site includes the visitor center, the BEHOLD Monument, “I Have A Dream” World Peace Rose Garden, MLK Jr.’s Birth Home, Fire Station No. 6, the historic Ebenezer Baptist Church, The King Center, Dr. & Mrs. King’s Tomb, and Freedom Hall.
Hammonds House Museum
503 Peeples St SW
Atlanta, GA 30310
(404) 612-0481
The Hammonds House Museum displays a 250-piece collection that features the work of African-American artists from the 19th century to the present. It is the only fine arts museum in Atlanta that features artists of African-American descent.
The APEX Museum
135 Auburn Ave NE
Atlanta, GA 30303
(404) 523-2739
The Apex Museum was founded in 1978 by Mr. Dan Moore and is full of history presented from the Black perspective.