Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot and top police brass have responded to surveillance video showing several officers relaxing in U.S. Rep. Bobby Rush’s office while looters were ravaging several businesses nearby.
Lightfoot held a special news conference on Thursday, June 11, 2020, to report some information that she had received that left her “enraged.” Rush shared the video with the mayor showing a number of Chicago police officers, including those in supervisory roles, relaxing in his office without his permission while looters were vandalizing a shopping plaza on the same street.
Rush was visibly disgusted as he spoke during the news conference about the events that occurred on Sunday, May 31, that he witnessed in the video.
“We looked at the videotape, and we saw eight or more police officers lounging in my office as looters were breaking in stores in this shopping center where my office is located,” the congressman said. “They had their feet up on the desk, one was asleep on my couch in my campaign office, one had his head down on the desk, one was on the cellphone. They even had the unmitigated gall to go and make coffee for themselves and to pop popcorn — my popcorn in my microwave — while looters were tearing apart businesses.”
Lightfoot has been receiving flack based on the perception that she left the city’s South and West sides to fend for themselves while she protected the downtown area. However, the video tells another story.
“When police are deployed, given a mission and fail to act that (too) is injustice,” Lightfoot continued. “Public safety cannot be a commodity that is only available to the wealthy and the connected. Public safety must be a reality everywhere.”
Chicago Police Supt. David Brown explained how the actions of these officers is a reflection of their leadership.
“Officers are sleep during a riot with supervisors in tow reflects our leadership,” Brown said. “Our integrity to the residents of Chicago is our No. 1, 2 and 3 priority. We are in a seminal moment. We have to reveal our leadership. If that means strict discipline that’s what it means.”
Lightfoot has asked the officers to come forward on their own before city officials have to come and find them. This matter is currently under investigation.
Click over to the next page to watch the mayor’s news conference about this issue in its entirety.
Watch the mayor and top police brass respond to the incident during the news conference below.