Jeezy announced on Wednesday, Feb. 17, 2021, on Instagram that his mother, Sharon Jenkins, recently died. While he didn’t reveal the cause or the actual day of her death, he’s previously stated that his mother was suffering from an undisclosed illness.
Jenkins was featured in the rapper’s 2011 documentary A Hustlers Ambition, where he recalled her being a housekeeper and doing whatever she had to do to provide for him and his sister Katrina. The documentary also revealed that she had successfully kicked a drug and alcohol addiction. In 2019, Jeezy also penned the song “The Real MVP” with John Legend to her on his 11th album, TM104: The Legend of Snowman.
Jeezy paid tribute to his mother with a heartfelt message with him standing over her casket. “You taught me to be a man when I was a boy. Made me man up be a father when I was a kid,” he wrote. “Raised me to be a natural born leader when I was lost. You lifted me when I was down. Inspired me when I had no inspiration. Always told me I was Bigger than my circumstances. My Super Hero. Feared nothing or no one.. No obstacle or set backs.
“One of the only people in the world I could trust. When I had nothing or no one, I had you Mamma. You was hard on me. I thank you for that. You gave me confidence when I didn’t have any. Made me feel like I can put the world on my back and walk barefoot. You never judged or down talked my dreams. Or my downfalls. You just encouraged.”
Jeezy also was thankful that his mom got to see him and his sister grow into adults and become successful.

“I thank GOD you got a glimpse of the Man and Woman you raised and all the good we gave to world all because you gave it to us,” The Snowman added. “My faith is strong. I know God has you now. We let heaven borrow our Angel. Kiss my brother Michael. Tell em we love him. And to take care of you. You are in a better place. Dancing and singing to your favorite songs. With that beautiful smile on your face… I will continue to make you proud. I LOVE YOU MOMMA. FORVER MY MOMMA’S BABY.”
Rolling out sends our condolences to Jeezy and his family. Check out the trap star rapper’s moving tribute, “The Real MVP,” on the next page as well as the A Hustlers Ambition documentary in which he gets personal about his family life.