DL Hughley stopped by TMZ to explain that one reason why the mass shooting in Colorado on Monday, March 22, 2021, is because guns are too accessible in America. After losing 10 more lives to this mind-boggling incident, Hughley believes the country needs to enact new gun laws immediately.
“Killing people on a mass level is American as apple pie. Well, first off there’s no doubt White men tend to be the biggest group of demographics that murders on a mass scale. But the problem more than that is our access to weapons. It’s harder to get two packs of Sudafed than an AR-15. When you go into a store and buy Sudafed, if it’s more than one or two packs then they wondering what your purpose is,” said the comedian.
Hughley further expressed that the government is missing all the red flags.
“And it should be the same thing if you’re stocking up on weapons. Why you doing all that? If you’re stocking up on Sudafed, I’m thinking you’re either trying to get high or you sell it. If you’re stocking up on weapons, I’m wondering what you’re doing with that, too. So, to me, ultimately, we have a level of distrust. We’re a nation that can’t even be trusted with cold medicine, so you think you’re going to be trusted with street weapons? That’s crazy to say,” he added.
During the interview, the King of Comedy also stated that the automatic rifle wasn’t a home defense weapon either.
“You would never use an AR-15 to protect your home. When you stock up these weapons, you’re either waiting for trouble or anticipating it. Most people are in favor of common-sense gun laws. Most people are in favor of common-sense restrictions to make it… It’s harder to vote than it is to buy a gun,” Hughley further commented.
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