Tiffany M. Simmons tells the hardest part of writing ‘The Plugs Lawyer’

Do you have a specific writing style?
The writing style I prefer is co-writing. I’ve been blessed to co-write several books with other authors, including The Plugs Lawyer. I am an extremely busy person, so with co-writing The Plugs Lawyer I was able to set the scene while Shaun, the co-author, was able to make the scene come to life. It is easier for me to verbally write the book giving details and the reasons why the characters were illustrated certain ways, etc. Shaun would take our brainstorming sessions to help add to the chapters of the book. The Plugs Lawyer 2 is coming soon, so I will be able to start this process all over again. My writing style may seem unorthodox, but its what works for me.

What’s next for you?
What’s next for me is continuing to live the purpose filled life God destined for Tiffany M. Simmons. I look forward to continuing to share my gifts with the world and building my legacy. In the meantime, I just thank God for everyday I get to be on this wild ride called life.

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