As FLOURYSH’s head of business development, Steve Canal makes decisions on their most beneficial moves. Canal also has a history of helping other brands become successful. He is a father, author and entrepreneur, amidst many other titles, and believes in spreading this knowledge as opposed only keeping it to build his empire.
With the knowledge that all things are possible, what would you challenge this next generation to do?
The first thing is understanding your “Why?” Why are you doing [this]? Have a purpose. In 2008, I went through a recession. I had clients and I was performing at a super high level, but it went down to zero through the recession, because I didn’t move with purpose. I moved with talent, I was able to do it, do it right, and do it well, but I didn’t have my, “Why?” When I understood that, everything that I did from then on was for a reason. That purpose allows you to have the passion to be able to achieve because you’re motivated, you know why you’re doing it. And when you have hurdles, you understand that these hurdles aren’t going to be here for a long time. These are learning pains that you need to absorb, learn from and move forward.
Then it’s goals versus systems. We all have goals but rarely do we understand the systems that we’re implementing and putting into place to achieve our goals. As an example, low level, if I say I want to lose 15 pounds, that’s my goal. People usually stop there and do whatever to get to that point. They don’t put systems in place to losing the 15 pounds. The system is not eating after 8:00 PM, working out an hour a day, getting the proper rest, cutting out fried foods, sugars and certain salts. Those are the systems that I put in place to achieve my goals.
Something, again, that I learned from you, Munson, is that it’s very, very important to have your board of advisors around you. I have a saying, “I am a brand, I’m the CEO of me.” What does that mean? I’m the final decision-maker in what I do every day. In order for me to perform at a high level, I need to have my board of advisors around to help me make those decisions. I don’t know everything and it’s 99.9% impossible to do it alone.
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