Kevin Gates explains why women with specific skin condition are good in bed

Kevin Gates talks about his best experience in bed
Kevin Gates explains why women with specific skin condition are good in bed
Kevin Gates

Kevin Gates has been on a media tour and has been saying some outrageous things that have left many with questions.

That didn’t stop on Aug. 3 when Gates stopped by “The Breakfast Club” for an interview and talked about his experiences in the bedroom.

According to Gates, the best time he’s had in bed has been with somebody with a specific skin condition.

“I haven’t met my match, but I met somebody that’s really close,” Gates said. “The reason I say she’s really close — don’t kill me —  she got acne on her face.”

Gates didn’t stop there and expounded on his theory about women with acne.

“A lot of women with acne in their face got some good p—-,” Gates said. “Cause their hormones are so imbalanced, that it cause them to have congestion, so they not releasing properly. Once I really put it on her, her face start[ed] clearing up.”

Gates then gave credit to the woman he was referring to. “A lot of the things that go on with us are really internally,” Gates said. “I’m not just saying it for that, but she up there. She[‘s] in my top three.”

Every time Gates touches a microphone, expect to hear something outrageous.

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